Sunday, January 8, 2012

Before moving forward...

I'm gonna take a moment to reflect back on 2011...
This gorgeous reflection pic found at:  see more beautiful pics and reflection quotes there too!
2011 was a very interesting year!
  • With the "Take This Job and Shove It" departure of a co-worker, I was rewarded with the illusion of a full time job but with part time pay and hours (a few more hours, so it was a start)
  • A few months later, a  job transfer departure of another coworker led me to a few more hours and the possibility of being full time.
  • Finally a month later, it was determined that I could actually be full time with real benefits, health insurance and accruing vacation days-wow, what a concept! First time since my kiddos were little.  This was such a relief for my self employed husband!
  • Another month later we got knocked back on our heels when Corporate came through and got rid of people.  Awesome, now we get to try and make magic with no budget, vague directions and minus 3 talented people.
  • Also part of this restructuring was moving me from one place to another.  It's the same gig but different and although it's an easy transition, I still don't feel totally comfy with any of it.
  • Another "bonus" of all this change, was having to answer to outsiders who didn't understand, were pissed and a lot of times, downright rude.  Look, this wasn't my idea or decision, I'm just what's left to figure out what to do next.
  • I allowed a couple of months to mourn the dismissal of my co-workers. I'm sure there were days when I  didn't put full effort into anything because I was resentful that I was left to pick up the pieces from decisions I didn't make.  However, with a new year comes acceptance.  It is time to embrace change fully and move forward.  As cliche as it sounds, onward and upward!
Non-work related activities
  •   I managed to pull off a successful diet run.  I went on the HCG drops/500 calorie a day plan  for a month and lost 18 pounds.  I then was sponsored briefly by Metabolic Research Center and lost another 7lbs. That was fun!
  • With all the work stress, being lazy and falling back into bad habits late in the year, I tried to gain it all back.  That was not fun.  Obviously a renewed effort is a goal for the new year.
  • My 98 year old Grandma passed away July 1st.  My cousin Erik and I took what we describe as an Epic Road Trip back to Wisconsin for the funeral. No one should be allowed to have that much fun on their way to a funeral.  Although my grandma's passing was sad, we had a very Lunde tribute to her and I got a chance to catch up with old friends and relatives while there.
  • The hubby and I went through Financial Peace University, a 13-week class dedicated to getting out of debt and building wealth.  (  Good stuff!
  • My oldest son Ryan left home to move across town into what we affectionately call "Animal House."  It is strange not having him at home-although he does come for Sunday dinner pretty regular-yay!
  • My youngest son Kyle got his learner's permit, so we've been going through that phase again...he's a pretty good driver so I'm not too anxious most of the time.
  • Because of what I do for a living, I got to be a part of the Greeley Stampede, Cheyenne Frontier Days, many concerts at our own amphitheater and other fun activities.  The cherry on top of the cake tho was my friend Tami getting to meet Toby Keith for the first time,  He came to town just in time for her birthday and I was able to arrange that for her. (Thanks Jeff Brown!)
  • and that brings me to my Goddess Girls...we had so much fun this year!  Going to the pool, meeting for coffee, dinner and a movie, Tami's 40th b-day party, Charming Charlie's, Halloween, Ugly Christmas Sweater Party...I love these girls-we have a great time together!
All in all, 2011 was the usual roller coaster ride of ups and downs...the Ups far outweighing the Downs thankfully! 

What will 2012 bring?  No Idea!  I do know what I'd like it to bring,  but I also know that I better be ready to dodge bullets like Neo in The Matrix and to "look for low and away, but watch out for in your ear" like Archie Graham in Field of Dreams.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy New Year!

The Goddesses Princess, Caress, Riviera and Soleil rang in the New Year together
Wow, what an imaginative title...(scribbles on legal pad, yes, I'm old school and use a legal pad)  goal #1 for blog-use more intriguing headlines for your blog in the future.  They say that writing down a goal is 90% of accomplishing it. Although I'm not sure who "they" are, I make lists about everything because I need all the help I can get!

With the new year starts a clean slate, right?   A do-over...another chance-to-do-it-better-this-time kind of vibe.  Every year, I try to be realistic and optimistic-I'm a "realoptimist."  Nothing worse than setting lofty, vague resolutions (IE Lose 50 lbs, make more money, stop feeling bad) and then falling on your face, because there was no plan to implement these good ideas.  I write down things I plan to accomplish for the new year rather than stuff I need to stop doing because I'm a weak, no discipline human. There I go with the positive rather than negative approach again.  I've tried negative, it doesn't work and is extremely boring.

My first resolution is to call them goals...a goal sounds do-able.
"My goal is to_______"   sounds well thought out, a good plan, positive
A resolution sounds like something destined to fail 
"I should quit/start doing_______"  sounds like "I was drunk New Year's Eve and you can't hold me to that!"

OK, now I have a proper name for it,  "A Goal."  What would I like to accomplish this year? It's a pretty big list as usual.  As I detail them to myself I will also detail them here.  (accountability and reflection for the end of the year)   

First goal:  blog more...I enjoy writing, people say I'm pretty good at it, so when did it become another "chore"??  I'm moving it from the obligations list to the fun to do list.  It's taken me 5 days into the New Year, but first post of 2012 is up!  Ah, the satisfaction of crossing something off the scribbled legal pad. (even if it is well below cure cancer and stop the wars)

I'd love to see your goals-feel free to post them here. Let's make it a great year, shall we?