For my purposes today, it just means back to my usual life after a week vacationing in Florida. See previous post's slide show of a few highlights from the trip (apologies for my lack of knowledge regarding how to work with photo bucket slide shows-learning something new!)
Life is about to get incredibly busy from now until June: it's video season for me, so a couple of cheer team videos in the works, at least 4 graduation videos will be made, my son is a senior so there is graduation and a party, sweet memories video for the senior class, hubby's 50th birthday, After Prom party decorating which I chair (and the making of 250 senior souvenirs!) and (a hopefully successful) After Prom party, younger son's birthday and I'm sure a few other things I've forgotten...whew!
First order of business? Go have coffee with my friends-I'm going to need the caffeine and girl time to gear up!

Sounds like a busy, but happy time!